Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Day 9

Ok, true confession. This is more like “day 19,” not “9.” I have been lax in my blog writing, and even more so with my diet regimen.

I don’t like the term “diet.” First, the word “die” occupies three quarters of the word, and I have no interest in dying of starvation. Now, perhaps if the word was more like “live-et,” I might jump right in with both feet!

Yes, I want to LIVE. I want to have fun with my life and enjoy every moment I can. Whenever I feel I deprive myself of something, it takes some joy out of my day. It would be like hooking up with a super model, and mid preamble she says, “Well, you can only touch this tiny portion of my body. The rest you leave for somebody else.”

Then again, models I have known are worse than a Big Mac enema for my health, so maybe that wasn’t the best comparison. The temperamental ultra beautiful ladies I’ve known have the grace of Al Qaeda if they don’t get their way. Plus, I have long said that I find their bodies to be anything BUT attractive and healthy, and have no clue why girls aspire to look emaciated.

As my friend Carlos always said, “The bone is for the dog.”

Now that I have started the conversation about women who focus on scoring a magazine cover or a Milan runway, I think I will explore this further, relating to the blog I’m writing here about my weight loss.

To be honest, I arrived to the most wonderful place in my personal life journey a few years ago, and one thing I now know is that the folks who work on their thinness are not happy people. Even with fashion magazines the women look angry, as if they are saying, “somebody give me a lamb chop.”

My theory is that they have given into some societal myth, where “you can never be too rich or too thin.”

I disagree about the “too rich” part, but will save that for my blog about money! But as far as too thin is concerned, “concerned” is the operative word. I’d say skeletal remains of someone dead of malnutrition would be “too thin.” Because of a few supposedly hip experts in the fashion world have deemed it a good thing to be skinny, we now have a country- wide epidemic of anorexia and bulimia.

These are diseases caused exclusively by culture, and if anyone put this under further review, one would see its deceptive origins, as well as the fatal outcome. Also, whenever I exist in the energetic space of lack or less, it causes angst and a sense of loss, not a loss of pounds, but an incessant deficiency of abundance and good things. The mindset of deprivation manifests itself in a variety of ways, where I end up feeling unworthy of greatness. How can I be fulfilled, when I’m not filling myself with that which causes me to feel internally uplifted?

Basically, I have had the most pleasure in my life when I am being genuine. The more honesty and core integrity I ground in, the better the results.

I find diets to be just that – disingenuous. Why do I want to force a body type that is not natural? If I am dieting, usually it is for someone else (their view of what looks good on you), and people-pleasing is never a good starting point for anything. Also, despite the ads that claim delectable treats aplenty with their particular program, I have yet to see a regimen that includes my favorite – Girl Scout Cookies.

With a diet, I’ll be eating foods that do not have the taste I find to be the most satisfying. “Delicious” is my goal, not “deprivation.”

The other issue is that I have been taught to think that fats and sugars are the only way to please the palette, and that organic (natural) eating is for the hippies who smoked the taste buds off their tongues. It is stored in my mind that sweets and fats are a reward, and that greens will not give me strength, even though hay-eating horses would kick my ass in a fight or a race.

Now, good health is another story. Instead of allowing the script to be written by societal “norms,” I now choose to look elsewhere for my positive changes. Once I began committing to wellness, my world opened up. And I mean literally it showed me a way of being that is not exposed to us on a regular basis. What is shown to us on a mega scale is the quick and easy fare, and there are billions of dollars spent promoting something that is not organic to our digestive system. Actually, a lot of it is poison, but we would not know that, since the mainstream media cannot and will not reveal these secrets, or the sponsors who pay their salaries would shut them down.

Therefore, I had to explore alternative methods of healing and wellness, and I am damn glad I did! Sure, I don’t have perfect body/perfect health, and certainly a sleeve of thin mints would contradict myself, but in general I am far closer to great living than if I took the road of the masses.

The consumer mentality has consumed much of our psyche, but the bummer is, the things we want more of are harmful to us. 

The “more whores” have taken over our collective thought patterns, and I personally want to stay clear of that. There is no end to their foundationless desire to attain happiness by accumulation, and this includes devouring a Denny’s Grand Slam Breakfast or an all-you-can-eat 99-cent buffet in Reno.

Big quantities and small quality. What if we focused on re-labeling our ideas about good food, and put more importance into the octane of the fuel we put into our bodies? It’s one thing to put the 87test gasoline into a rental car, but I want to get more than a hundred thousand miles out of my vehicle!

I am digging the simplicity, depth and breadth of my current lifestyle, where I place importance on critical thinking and expanding my creative spirit. Limiting, as we do when we diet, does not serve that purpose of expanding my world.

More about this in days to come, but to sum it all up – it’s all about balance. The more I focus on the yin AND the yang, the better off I will be. The times I take a step back and look for core truth, is when I am most successful.

I will do just fine in this latest goal documentation. It will evolve into something unique and fun for me, and if I lose a few pounds in the process and can play with my family with a touch more bounce, then I done good!

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